Other Tools

There are some other tools that can be installed via the dietpi-software command


We can install xfce via dietpi-software.
If it's installed via this route instead of directly installing with apt get
This also automatically configures the software to just work, without any additional messing with configuration files.

One of the options you're given when setting up the desktop is the GPU / Memory Split.
The RPI takes some of the existing memory (2Gb / 4Gb / 8Gb) then partitions it off for the GPU.
By default the setting is around 76Mb.
I don't think it makes a difference but if you have memory to spare you can set it to something much bigger such as 256Mb

To change if the desktop automatically shows on bootup.
dietpi-config Then select Auto Start Options
Followed by auto login under Desktops.


GThumb is useful as a basic image viewer, for viewing latency PNG diagrams

apt install gthumb

DietPi Dashboard

One handy tools is dietpi-dashboard.
This allows getting the status such as temperature / memory / CPU usage and an interactive shell via a web interface.
Typically, after installing via dietpi-software it will be visible under:

I've checked this running with the latency histogram and I'm fairly sure it's safe to run.
On top of that you gain the ability to upload files via the web interface (such as G-Code).

Remote Desktop

I'd avoid any form of remote desktop to the machine

  • xrdp works but causes more latency
  • nomachine works but also causes more latency
  • TigerVNC / RealVNC both seem to have issues