DietPi Installation

Looking at the LinuxCNC docs for the operating system, ideally it should be something Debian based.
This is so we can use the existing apt Debian packages to install LinuxCNC

In the case of DietPi it's a more strimmed down version of Raspian but still uses Raspian as a basis.
There is also options for other hardware devices as well.

The different arch names for 64bit vs 32bit tend to be named:

  • ARMv8 = 64bit for Rpi4 / Rpi3
  • ARMv7l = 32bit Rpi4
  • ARMv7 = 32bit RPI3

By default, dietpi is currently using Debian 11 (Bullseye), but what we need ideally is Debian 12 (Bookworm)
Debian 12 includes packages for linuxcnc userspace which makes things a lot easier.
Dietpi does distribute bookworm images under experimental.

Flash Image

Flashing the image can be done via Balena Etcher
After flashing eject then re-insert the card to gain access to the vfat boot partition if using Windows.

Setup Wi-Fi

# Within dietpi.txt set the following
# Within dietpi-wifi.txt set the following


On first login, DietPi will automatically update.
The default login details are

  • username = root
  • password = dietpi

Disable Mouse on Vim

This helps when copying / pasting over a Putty (or Kitty which is better) ssh session

apt install vim
echo "set mouse-=a" >> ~/.vimrc